Three fried eggs topped with chipotle sea salt and pepper (tapatio added after p…

Three fried eggs topped with chipotle sea salt and pepper (tapatio added after pic) 4 slices of bacon and cream cheese with everything but the bagel seasoning. This is my largest and last meal of the day. Mon-Thurs I do 16:8 IF starting at 7 am and ending between 2 and 3 pm. I eat early for multiple reasons. 1. I like to eat one meal when my kids are both napping 2. I stay so busy during the last half of the day I dont want to be hungry 3. I dont like sleeping on a full stomach. Fri-Sun I eat whenever and usually with my family. #keto #ketofood #ketofam #ketodiet #ketogenicdiet #ketolifestyle #lowcarb #lowcarbdiet #lchf #lowcarbhighfat #lowcarblifestyle #weightlossjourney #weightlosssucess #intermittentfasting

Source by overnightoatsquinoa



It was a chipotle kind of day! OMAD (One meal of the day). This fits my macros a…